Martial Arts Gala 2004

Bergeron Karate Center

Karate / JuJutsu - Renshi Claude BergeronRenshi Claude Bergeron (5th degree black belt) has been a fixture of Ottawa's martial arts scene for decades. He currently teaches the Kan Kai Ryu system, which literally means "River with many flowing streams". This rare art is a mixture of Shotokan Karate, Chit-Ryu, Chitokai, Kempo and Jujutsu. The word Jujutsu can be broken down into Ju (soft/give way) and Jutsu (art or technique). The philosophy of Kan Kai Ryu is that certain situations will require use of particular self defense techniques; therefore knowing more techniques means having a greater advantage against an opponent.

Bergeron Karate Center
2544 Bank St.
Ottawa, Ont.
Tel: 613-738-7468
Fax: 613-738-7348

Performances & Bios
Praying Mantis
Hung Gar
Tai Chi Chuan
White Crane
Ottawa Chito-Kai
Bergeron Karate Center
Filipino Martial Arts (FMA)
Carleton University
Jiu-Jitsu Club
Ving (Wing) Chun
Hip Hop group "Driven"
Darin Kyle Tap Dance
Hala & Safyia Belly Dance
Carleton University Physical
Recreation and Athletics


How to get to the Gala (location map)

**Performers and performances subject to change***
Sponsored by John Hum Productions and Carleton U. Athletics
Carleton University Kontact Sports The Ottawa Sun   The Ottawa Sun

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